Nursing Home, Home Caregiver Services,  Caregiver Training for the Elderly – Assurance Imperial Home, Ibadan, Nigeria

SPONSORED POST ALERT – Written By Adebisi Adetunji

Growing Ageing Population – Why Senior Citizens Need Support and Care

Globally and in Nigeria, persons 60 years and above are regarded as older persons. Most people in this age bracket particularly those who worked in government organizations are retired and have become pensioners. Ageing comes with some challenges such as limited financial resources, feelings of isolation, health challenges, limited mobility, difficulty in carrying out once-easy everyday tasks, and more.

The population of older persons continues to increase. According to the World Health Organization, in 2019, the number of older persons worldwide was 1 billion. By 2030 it is estimated that 1 in 6 will be age 60 and above.  The global population of people aged 60 years and older is expected to more than double to about 2 billion in 2050.

To age is not to become redundant or incapacitated as some people think. With the right support and care, older persons can live fulfilling, healthy, and independent lives as much as possible. Many children or family members of older persons live busy lives trying to make ends meet and therefore are unable to provide the required and needed support to their elderly loved ones. Aside from this family members do not have the necessary information or skills needed to meet the health, companionship, or help needs of their aged parents.

To improve the lifestyle of the aged within society, there is a need to adopt innovative approaches and proffer solutions to the difficulties elderly persons experience including health care services. Often, senior citizens and family members who need care services or facility-based health care services are unaware that Nursing Home Services for the elderly are available in Nigeria.

One such Nursing Agency that offers professional and tailored solutions that fit the emotional, physical, and health needs of the elderly is the Assurance Imperial Home, Ibadan, Southwest, Nigeria.

If you require the services of a Nursing home, Elder Caregiver, Nursing Agency, or a place to acquire certified Caregiver training, then Assurance Imperial Home is a door you would want to knock on.   

My First Impressions About the Assurance Imperial Home for the Elderly The first time I visited the Assurance Imperial Home for the elderly I met Mama Lola (Not Real name) a senior citizen living in the home. As I stepped into the living room area, I noticed game boards, a TV, and a dining area where senior citizens can relax and have a good time. Mama Lola, walked up to me, greeting me with a lot of enthusiasm. She was all sunshine and smiling. I liked her immediately. The environment was clean, spacious, and adequately equipped with facilities to help senior citizens feel comfortable. 

A few days later when I again visited the Elderly Home, I asked after the very friendly Mama Lola but was told that she was ill.  A team of Caregivers and Carers had accompanied Mama Lola to the hospital including the Manager of the home whom I was there to meet. He called and apologized for having to cancel the appointment as it was important for him to see that Mama Lola was comfortable and adequately cared for at the hospital. I was impressed and it became more evident that empathy, concern, and intentional care for the elderly housed in the Assurance Imperial was a priority for the staff and founders of the home. I thought to myself, “This is definitely a safe place to access care for senior citizens.

What Makes Assurance Imperial Elderly Home Unique

1. Meets the emotional needs of clients – Elderly persons are made to feel safe, socialize with other aged people, and believe that an independent and fulfilling life is possible even after retirement.

2. Meet Physical needs of Clients – On request the Assurance Imperial Home Nursing Agency places aids in client’s homes and hospitals. The agency offers skilled nursing services at the client’s preferred location. Family members can access professionally trained nursing services to assist and stay with sick elderly loved ones at the hospital or recovery support at home after discharge assisting with medication, taking vital signs and documentation, and more.

Room for live-in elders at Assurance Imperial Home

3. Families and Senior Citizens Can Choose the Best Home Care Plan that suits their needs. Assurance Imperial Home for the Elderly provides the following care plans

4. Companions: These are non-medical personnel that render services that include light housekeeping, planning, and scheduling of appointments and social activities, monthly meal tracking, preparing meals, help in communicating with family members of the older person and other care team professionals, supporting the socialization and entertainment needs of the older person

5. Auxiliary Nurse: This is a Medical Personnel that helps in setting up Physical Therapy, Conducting Health Checks, monthly meal tracking, assisting with toileting, oral hygiene, and maintaining a catheter bag

6. Registered Nurse: Provides On-site service, administration of medication, documentation of vital signs, family and patient education, infection control and prevention, palliative care, restorative care (helping patients regain independence and functioning as much as possible), and pain management

7. Have Dedicated and Passionate CareGivers: While speaking with Mrs. Kemisola Afolabi a Carer who works at the Assurance Imperial Home, I found out some interesting things about why she chose this line of work.

Once, I went to live with a friend who did not know how to handle her aged mother. Often, she was frustrated and impatient in communicating with her mum. When she starts to express her frustration and begins to argue with her mother whose demands seem overbearing, I would tell her to be patient because senior citizens require patience. I helped my friend to improve the relationship between herself and her mother. As other family members noticed how I took time to care of and attend to my friend’s mother’s needs, they began to encourage me to consider pursuing a career in caring for the elderly.”

Kemisola now works as a CareGiver at the Assurance Imperial Home for the elderly. She is very passionate about her job. Her job entails bathing senior citizens, cleaning up rooms, feeding senior citizens who need extra support, engaging senior citizens at the Assurance Imperial Home in appropriate extracurricular activities and relaxation times.

8. Feeding – nutritious and appropriate health meals are prepared for senior citizens housed at the Assurance Imperial Home. These foods include wheat, amala and ewedu, beans and plantain, moi-moi, bean cake, oat, and other delicious Nigerian cuisines. One interesting thing is that the kitchen staff discusses with the elderly living in the home, and they all agree on the preferred meal per time. Like Kemisola, other Caregivers in the Home, are passionate and committed to the work they do to help senior citizens enjoy their stay at the home

Training Opportunity for Caregivers at Assurance Imperial Home

There is a growing need for trained and skilled professional CareGivers to provide support to the increasingly aging population. The Assurance Imperial Home offers 3-4 weeks of training for anyone looking to upskill and access a hands-on Caregiver/Carer course program. The Caregiving course content includes Dementia and Alzheimer’s training among other  elderly care necessary curriculum.  Trainees will undergo theoretical and practical sessions throughout the duration of the course. An exam will be written at the end of the training as a prerequisite for earning a certificate.

Caregiver taking vital signs at the Assurance Imperial Home

Interested persons can register to join a new batch of Caregiving training which begins on the First Monday of every month. 

The Caregivers’ training is held three times a week on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays between the hours of 9 am -1 pm

Find Contact Details Below:

For elder care support, such as securing medically inclined care and registering for Caregiver training   contact the Managing Director of Assurance Imperial Home 

Mr. Dolapo Preboye at +2348129514781, +2348142900377



Disclaimer: Elderly Care Nigeria is not responsible for any aspect of transactions made between parties. Kindly, ensure that you make appropriate inquiries before registering or engaging with the service provider.

Published by Adebisi Adetunji M.

I am a Development Communication Specialist and a trained social worker who desires to use her storytelling skill to change lives. On this site, we have a team of Geriatric social workers and advocates for the rights of older adults

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